Friday, January 11, 2008


Spent the day at American University's annual Ann Ferren Teaching Conference. Like most conferences, a mixed bag. The morning session on Second Life held great promise, but they never could get Second Life to load. Maybe it's too soon for that one...second session was on "Using Technology the way your students use it," with five students on the panel, all of them agreeing they really don't use much technology! ipods, cellphones, and laptops, but no seamless integrations, few blogs, lots of facebook, and blackboard, the instructor's technical class-site. Boring!

Well -- we're teachers, we're supposed to lead. We would be way ahead of the students to have classes in Second Life.

So I just might.

The third session was on blogging in all its forms, particularly mass-blogging by an entire class full of students.

But you know what? It's still just thinking and writing and a little design. If you can't write, you can't blog. If you don't want to grade papers every night, you don't want to grade blogs!

I still feel comfortable with the markers and the whiteboard...

but shouldn't it be more artistic, since I'm teaching the arts?

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